Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day V ~ 2nd coat for front

Today I repainted the front of the house, even though it actually didn't need it.  It was difficult because you couldn't see where you started and where you ended, but I persevered and got it on.  To see what it looks like just look at the house with the first coat on it. 

I do think the second coat made a slight difference, but in the interest of time I don't think I'll be second coating the rest of the house at this time as I will lose a day for each side.  After I'm finished going all the way around the house AND have done the garage I will do a second coat (if my left arm hasn't fallen off by then).

As a reminder, I repeat that these first blogs are being written after the fact and I am furiously trying to catch up so I can be writing in real time.  I think I am now only two days behind. No, now that I think of it I'm only ONE day behind.... YAY!

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