Monday, October 4, 2010


Last post was last Wednesday, and now it's the following Monday night.  The weather has been my arch-nemesis, although Saturday was BEAUTIFUL! so I went gyroplaning for the day.  I left the gyro at the airport Saturday night as the forecasts were saying Sunday would be nice too, but that was not the case..... so Sunday I went to the airport and packed everything up, much to my dismay.  (see the little picture just below the blog title?  Click on it and you can watch me do a landing in my gyro.... taken two years ago.) 

Today (Monday) the weather is horrible, so worked inside, then went to Mom's for the afternoon helping her take out air conditioners and stuff, and my sister and her hubby came for dinner.  After dinner we watched some TV and stayed until Dancing With The Stars was over. (I bet you're wishing you were me right now!)

Forecast doesn't look good for rest of week either.

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